Welcome to my blog—It’s ALL about Getting REAL with the WORLD we live in while at the same time not ever losing touch with yourself and who you are despite what the WORLD wants you to believe.

Be the Lead Character, Writer, Director, and Producer of your life, and live
Authentically Flaws and All
— Melissa Dyan
Melissa.Method Melissa.Method

Clairvoyance ..once I felt it was a curse now I see my gift…. for the Blessing it truly is...

The mystery of Fortune Telling and gazing into a crystal ball. That is smoke and mirrors. Each person who has elevated gifts can access them in different ways…..

I can actually see and hear clear information about the person I am connected with. I can see into a person’s current path and see predictive outcomes depending on their decisions to listen or not. Hence, FREE WILL. I see clear images using Clairvoyance, I do not nor have I ever used Tarot Cards. I understand the mechanism of action but it is not necessary unless the person is not open the cards act as a catalyst to information.

FOR ME, AS soon as I hear the tone of someone’s voice I can connect to them. It’s that simple for me. I can hear the vibration of truth or BS. I can hear and feel subtle energy about the light or darkness in a person. I don’t pry into their life unless I have permission from them or my guides want me to know the information to protect me from harm. If you become a friend my ability to read for you is affected. The guides block me from seeing certain things to allow me free will and my own discernment to build the connection or not.

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Melissa.Method Melissa.Method

OUR Cellular Memory & Quantum Physics & why it is important to understand

Cellular Memory can expand into more than one dimension. Energy is fluid, We live in the 3D. Other dimensions are happening at the same time as we live out our lives here in the 3D. Universe- MegaVerse, MultiVerse. OmniVerse. Explore all of them with your own Cellular Memory and Quantum Physics.

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Melissa.Method Melissa.Method

A Real-Life encounter & the supernatural meaning for a spirit leaving an Imprint….

A Glowing Imprint makes themselves known around 4:00 am leaving me wondering who this was and what happened to them. I do believe some spirits want to be seen acknowledged for what happened in an attempt to validate their life in the 3D and get unstuck and move on! I think to this day perhaps that was the reason i was able to see him/her.

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Melissa.Method Melissa.Method

LOLITA- aka LO Goes to the Light

The Shadow of a woman was taken by darkness way too early in her life by low vibrational entities being the only explainable underlying cause.


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Melissa.Method Melissa.Method

Karmic Justice is Real- Chosen One’s 144,000 strong.

Karmic Justice is Real. I have witnessed first hand people get their Karma it is not pretty or for the faint of heart… those who have tried to come up against me have failed miserably and I have sat back and watched while things back-fired in their lives. I would not wish harm to anyone but this is what happens when you let karma and the universal laws of justice work on its own time. No retaliation or revenge needed. Remain in a place of love faith and inner knowing that what happens to you does not define your worth or who you are. I believe strongly that most people would never recover from the things situation dark entities and dark people that have tried to drain my light, take from me and harm me both physically and mentally. It may seem that those Karmic Individuals the backstabbing, betrayals and lying on your name worked. That the gossip they spread did exactly what they wanted it too. But in the end the truth of every situation comes out. They will FALL. Know that!

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