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Deepok Chopra told me my DHARMA… and it really fits me.

I had the incredible opportunity of a lifetime to meet Deepak Chopra in Salt Lake City at an Ayurvedic convention. It was an auspicious encounter that held an unexpected twist. Little did Deepak know that I had recently authored an inspirational book called "George & Myrtle's Journey" and had sent a submission letter to a renowned Publishing Company located in Malibu, which his son happened to represent. The encounter with the Publishing Company, however, was quite disheartening. They claimed to have no record of my submission, explaining that they routinely delete and purge files after 10 years. How conveniently unfortunate, I thought at the time.
Returning to the captivating conversation with Deepak, he shared a profound insight into my purpose in life, my dharma. He told me that my dharma was to uplift people wherever I go. This simple statement resonated deeply with me as it perfectly described my innate nature. It seemed that every time I stepped out of my doorstep, whether it be a local coffee shop or a charming restaurant, I had an uncanny ability to forge new connections and touch the lives of those I encountered. My phone became a treasure trove of memories, filled with names and the places where I had met these individuals. Although we may not always remain in touch, for those brief moments, I knew that I had the power to lift their spirits and make a difference in their day.
Deepak's wisdom allowed me to delve deeper into the concept of dharma. It is a multifaceted term, encompassing a person's role, duty, and purpose in life. It goes beyond mere career aspirations or societal expectations and dwells in the realm of one's intrinsic essence. Discovering and embracing one's dharma brings about a sense of alignment, fulfillment, and harmony with the universe. It grants an individual the opportunity to live a purpose-driven life, making a positive impact on the world and those around them.
In my case, my dharma as identified by Deepak Chopra feels like a true calling. It affirms my belief that every interaction, no matter how small, holds the potential to brighten someone's day and spread a bit of joy and positivity into the world. It is a constant reminder to approach each new encounter with an open heart and a genuine desire to connect deeply with others.
The encounter with Deepak Chopra not only provided me with an unforgettable memory but also offered invaluable insights into my own purpose and the potential impact I can have on those I meet. With the concept of dharma firmly rooted in my mind and heart, I am inspired to continue embracing every opportunity to uplift and inspire others, one interaction at a time.