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“Stuck in the CROSS Fire”-🧨 How and Why I was Sued for Defamation of Character and so much more-

🧨Fired for Speaking up for myself and - Restrained from making a career move to a new publication by harassing phone calls to my new employer, baited by a billionaire into proving my worth to have a Full-time Medical Device opportunity and sexually and verbally harassed and then threatened by a FRAUD who takes money for his non-profit all while living in his Florida Condo.

But First - HOW I WAS SUED

By a Man who wired his ex-girlfriend to interview a mutual third party. I was not even aware of the meeting this secret meeting. What was discussed or was said? Nor the details of when the meeting took place or even where they met to discuss this. It all went down in secret and happened behind my back - until I received the legal documents hand-delivered to me at my place of work by a courier. - and so goes the ugly truth of navigating the ego mania in of MEN, their prior enemies, and the fact that not all but most men who have attained a certain amount of status and wealth seem to have a superiority complex coupled with bullying and harassing people to get what they want even when they are completely flawed in the way they go about getting it.

In this case, I am talking about getting JUSTICE… and as you will see if you read on. Karma is Real.

This first account of fighting secret enemies wearing a blindfold and, walking into work one day and having a stranger serve me with legal papers laying out in no uncertain terms that I was being sued by a wealthy man whom I had met a total of twice in my life.   This thriving business owner learned who I was when I called on him as a representative of a Digital Marketing Company. Our Company was a subsidiary of Gannet Local, a Media Conglomerate offering pay-per-click and Search Engine Optimization services to local business owners to get ahead online. We used keywords and Google Analytics to increase traffic to our clients’ websites. At the time I worked for this company, the competition was fierce, and business owners were paying close to 40k a month to stay on top of the search engines. It was a grueling game of numbers and statistics, and unsuspecting business owners who understood very little about the lingo and how the algorithm and Google Analytics nor the internet worked were being taken for millions of dollars, and regulations have since been established to ensure Google was not monopolizing the algorithms used to keep some businesses and websites at the top of the list.  All this information made me a worthy candidate for potential job opportunities. This was my introduction to how wealthy men throw their weight around.   I am not naïve now after years of having experiences like the one I am sharing here; however, it doesn’t mean that I understand WHY it seems to be so prevalent, and yet nothing happens to these men or men like this.   I say these Men because Mr. Big, as I have named him, was not the last. After him, there was the VP of New York Life Insurance.  Who, at the end of our interview, handed me a WAD of CASH wrapped in a rubber band. Saying to me as my jaw dropped to my lap. This is for you. This VP of New York Life propositioned me. Saying word for word. I have done this before and thought you might be open to it.  I keep thinking to myself. Do I have a sign on my head that says I am kind and genuine, maybe a little naïve please treat me as such?”  -  A Publisher of a popular Luxury Magazine in Scottsdale and then the Owners of this local Luxury publication did everything in their power to undermine my success at a new publication calling for two weeks straight the Publishers of A well known we will call “HOT” Living Magazine based in Miami where I had received an offer to be the “HOT” Beauty Director. After I was denied the opportunity for advancement, even though I had spoken to a woman at a sister publication in New York who was interested in interviewing me, it was cow-bashed by my current Scottsdale Publication Publisher. I started looking for a new opportunity to advance my career and make more money.  When I gave my two-week notice to Modern Luxury Magazine in Scottsdale. The Publisher, Micheal Hiatt, appeared to be supportive and even happy for me, to my face. Only to have my new Publisher, Seth Seminoff, tell me he was getting harassing phone calls from not only Micheal Hiatt, my former publisher at Modern Luxury Magazine, but now he was also getting a phone call from the OWNERS of DM LUXURY. The brothers Michael and Andrew Dickey.  I could hardly believe that they would go to this much trouble to harm my career. I had never met either one of them, and I had thought that Michael Hiatt and I had a good working relationship. Once again, a man who had an authoritative position in my life was thwarting my efforts to move on.  I still remember sitting in Michael Hiatt’s office, and he seemed sad that I was leaving, yes, but not angry or vindictive like he would be willing to hurt me in any way.   The Owners of Haute Living Magazine, Seth Semilof and Kamal, were not thrilled with being verbally threatened, and at first, Seth told me he had never had this happen. He said, trying to make light of the situation, You must be an exceptional saleswoman, so I will just continue dealing with the phone calls as they will have to stop eventually. And eventually, they did.  The Phone calls from DM Luxury did cease. I do not recall how long it took for them to stop. However, the damage was done. My employment as the Haute Beauty Director was marred by that, and after 8 months of traveling all over the US for Haute Living Magazine, the $85,0000,00 plus commission opportunity was gone.  I had a signed agreement, and the second week of November, my paycheck was exactly half of our agreed-upon amount. Without any warning, any reason, any explanation. Nothing.  I had my attorney look at the contract that I had signed with Haute Living, and he confirmed that they had breached their contract with me. He advised me to take legal action and reach out to them regarding my rights under the employee contract. He sent a letter and email to the owners of Haute Living Magazine.  They retaliated with a threat. I received a threat, and if I wanted to take them to court, I would have to come to Florida to prove anything, as that is where their headquarters are, and I would. I would not stand a chance of having a career at all if I did.

So, I did not.  I dropped the legal action to pursue the money I was owed.

Now let’s talk about Zynex Medical, based in Colorado but owned by a European Businessman who seems like a decent, intelligent man. The Owner of this company may not have a clue what goes on day to day, and here is why I believe it for those of you who may not know this. Companies can fire anyone for any reason in a right-to-work state. This means ANY REASON. Regardless if you are doing well, etc. These are laws that have been written and adhered to even when they do not protect the people. The time limit for companies to do this and get away with it legally is usually three months. I share this legal fact so you will see the pattern in your own life.

Three months after I was hired - The Manager who hired me was replaced with someone new. Alex Granger. This new manager called me during the first week of his transition into the market manager to get to know me is what he said. He proceeded to ask me questions about myself and my goals and ambitions in life. We seemed to have a decent conversation, and shortly after this conversation, the plan changed, or at least for him. I was now being slowly blackballed out of my area position. I am not sure if he had someone else already in mind when he became the new manager of the division. But, within the next two weeks, I was written up for missing a Zoom call. Even after I texted him to let him know I would not be able to make the call. He told me how he appreciated my independent nature when I asked him about an upcoming ride along with a Regional Director. If it was mandatory, he did not like that. He said firmly after I asked him this question. “ From this moment forward, I would prefer that you only speak to me, call me with any questions, and no one else in the company.” Immediately, my intuition told me that he was trying to isolate me to fire me. And I was right. After several more times of him making derogatory comments about me being a woman and asking me if I was even working? Calling me as if he was my husband and demanding I tell him where I was. and just being a bully. I made a phone call to HR, which I had never done in my life. The woman said it was confidential for me to report the treatment. So, I did not give his name. I just told her what part of the country I was hired to work in, and she must have put two and two together. Within a half hour of me making the call to HR at ZYNEX Medical. I had an email from Alex Granger and Steve FOX saying that I was fired upon receipt of this email. The Human Resources at Zynex Medical broke their own HR regulations to protect this Manager who had every intention of firing me for no other reason than he could. And the list just continues.  The Owner of Pure Plasma, an Aesthetic Company in Canada, approached me with an opportunity to work with him to sell his Plasma Device. He asked me several times if I wanted to come to his training facility in San Diego and then if I wanted to come to his big annual party in Canada. Promising me that he would consider hiring me full-time if I would set up DEMOS for his device. After I set up multiple Demos for his devices, he took the appointments I made and sent someone else who was on his payroll already to close the deal. Leaving me nothing but more time that I have given to another company that was using me and never intended on actually paying me. After the CEO of Pure Pasma lacked professional integrity towards women, I blocked him and moved on once again, only to have another MAN-   A Shady 501-3c Business owner who tried to get me to believe his company was legit. When I started to unravel the lies, he so easily told me about his office, his staff, and the other employees. The Truth was He was conning people out of money under the guise of making small business owners believe that they were supporting a good cause – that cause- DRUG Prevention Awareness.

Getting back to Mr. BIG. What they say is true – the bigger they are, the harder they fall.

Mr. Big kept my number and proceeded to call me at first, leading me to believe that I was going to earn his business.  After that mask wore off, a new one appeared, the one where now I was the potential perfect fit for a Sales Position for his automotive marketing business. He was now not in need of my company’s digital marketing services he was interested in me.

He scheduled an interview with me at his office, and when I arrived with my resume, he offered me a drink and told me he had a meeting that had just come up and that I would mind following him to his private plane.  I would wait for him to meet with someone, and then we could finish our meeting. 

I still do not know why I ever agreed to half of the meetings I did. For so long, I was truly just NAÏVE. I was starting to see that there was no job opportunity. This man was trying to bait me into having dinner with him with the hopes that I would consider him romantically, so again another situation where I am not being treated with respect or consideration I am merely a puppeteer by a business owner under the guise of interviewing me for a position working for his business, and when I was not interested and left his house after the sexual advances to protect his reputation he had a female friend of his meet up with the man I was with wearing a wiretap to see what I had told him about the events that played out between us. I was unaware of this meeting. My partner was not aware that his friend, who had dated this man who wanted to hire me in the past, was setting him up at this meeting and ultimately setting me up to say something slanderous. However, I was not there to answer anything this woman asked my then-boyfriend I was at work and did not find out about any of it until I was served at work with legal documents for a defamation of character case asking me for $20k by a certain date. I had no idea what this was about. I took the legal documents home and showed my live-in boyfriend, and he was shocked. He did not know he was also being recorded, nor did he know his lie and accusation would paint me in a light where I was being extorted for money and threatened by this wealthy multi-millionaire who I had just met. I was blind to the fact my current boyfriend had a previous beef with this guy over a woman, and now I was being used as a pawn in their egos. Only I was the one being sued for something I never did. You can imagine my shock and frustration. I was so angry I took the legal documents to a friend, and he verified that I was being bullied and extorted for no other reason than this guy had a lot of money and could throw his weight around. So, he did. I was able to use my intuition and make the right strategic moves to win this case without having to go to court. Getting his attorney de-barred and ultimately resulting in leaving his prestigious law firm in AZ Tiffany and Bosco. The harrowing part of this case against me was the tactics this wealthy, egotistical man used to get his way and stroke his ego and blatant misogyny towards women and me, in general, having part of my punishment in addition to the $20k a public display of humiliation. In a legal document that followed, he laid out the plans he had for me to stand on the 18th hole of the TPC Golf Course, also known as the Phoenix Open or the Waste Management Golf Tournament. Wearing a T-Shirt that said, “I accuse men of Rape” when I was not even present for this recorded conversation that was going to implement me in defaming his character. Whatever was said was said by my soon-to-be ex-boyfriend and this third-party woman who was asked to do this callous act of recording me by the wealthy businessman, still reeling that I was not impressed with their interest in his offer.  I was able to think logically through a very tumultuous situation enough to keep a level head and listen to the intuitive hits I would get in place of having an attorney. When I would receive an intuitive download, I would follow it. Each step led me to a successful win. One of the smartest intuitive decisions I made was to take the legal document that required me to wear this T-shirt on this Golf Course to the Arizona Bar Association to be reviewed. This one POWER Move, on my part, was the reason his attorney was held responsible for bullying and misconduct going against the very principle of the law. His Attorney was ultimately de-barred, and almost two years later, when the dust had finally settled, and the anxiety was lessened, even though the memories of that still lingered, a peculiar twist of fate occurred.  Not one that I had ever expected, as I had once again taken the lesson for what it was and moved on, not allowing it to change me to the core of who I am. I remained Peaceful, Purposeful, and in the LIGHT. For those who understand tarot or spiritual wisdom, a good wheel of fortune and tower moment happened when I turned on the morning news, and the headlines involved a tragic and surprising death. The well-known local businessman and entrepreneur fixture in the upper echelon of AZ society died after crashing his private jet onto, of all things, A GOLF Course. The irony of this tragic moment was that it felt somehow a sign to me from the universe that justice may not have been served on the 3D level, but it would be served with this divine intervention. Let me be clear: I do not believe in revenge. I did not do anything, and therefore, this is an outcome I was not expecting. And I will never really know why this would happen, but I do know that it is something I will never forget. I am now a firm believer in Karma.

I was threatened and bullied into wearing a T-Shirt that said, “I Accuse Men of Rape,” in addition to the $20k I was to pay him and his attorney at Tiffany & Bosco, this arrangement was written in the legalese, I was expected to stand on the golf course to be publicly humiliated at The Phoenix Open, what today is known as Waste Management, wearing this T-shirt. This man who died by crashing his plane into a Golf Course wanted me to be Publicly Humiliated on a very Prestigious GOLF COURSE. I know I am a protected child of GOD. This was PROOF I could not deny.